Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Myrkr Chair

The Myrkr Chair is designed and built by Christopher Warren for WORD [Warren Office for Research and Design]. It was originally designed and built for a gallery exhibition called The Page, in which a reading area of various chairs and tables was needed to examine artists’ books. The exhibition is in the Guggenheim Gallery of Chapman University in Orange, California and runs through March 12th, 2010.

Old Norse for “darkness”, Myrkr is conceived of light and shadow. Its design answers the modern call for material efficiency and the utilization of technology; however, the common contemporary desires for thinness and gloss have been replaced by volume and subtlety.

"Find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of the shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides." Jun’ichiro Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows

For Myrkr, modern fabrication techniques have been combined with traditional assembly methods. The lounge chair has no metal connections, but rather is made from a single laser-cut sheet of 12mm plywood and 144 dowels. It has been dipped in black aniline dye and finished with lacquer. Myrkr is light, very comfortable, and surprisingly stable.

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